Community Organizations

We collaborate with many community organizations in Miami-Dade County that refer uninsured women for screening mammograms. These organizations include health and social service centers, faith-based entities, and community groups. We regularly accept referrals from organizations, and we can do one-time events, like health fairs.

CARE, Inc. is grateful for its partnership with the Linda Fenner 3D Mobile Mammography Center, as they have contributed significantly to the fight against breast cancer in Miami Gardens. The Mobile Mammography Center is helping us fight breast cancer among the most vulnerable women in Miami Gardens. Women who are uninsured and economically disadvantaged.

Lataya Dennis-Hall, MS, Executive Director of the Pentecostal Tabernacle Church/Center for Advancement Restoration and Empowerment, Inc.

Cancer death rates are highest among communities of color. Having this breast-screening service on-site has truly been a game-changer for our communities.

Deborah Gracia, DO, Chief Medical Officer

Having the FIU Linda Fenner Mobile Mammography Center on-site makes it convenient for our patients. Several women had their cancer detected early, greatly increasing their chances of beating the disease.

Sorangely Menjivar, RN, MSN, LHRM, Chief Operating Officer, and Chief of Patient Services